Wednesday, February 6, 2013

Re-engineering vCenter: a proposal

After fighting my own instances of SSO and vCenter in the vSphere 5.1 management suite, seeing posts from others that have run into the same issues or other new and interesting ones, and generally counseling people to hold off on upgrading to 5.1 because of vCenter issues rather than hypervisor issues, it struck me that I've not seen very many suggestions on how or what to fix.

I'm just as guilty: It's far easier to complain and expect someone else to fix the problem than to wade in provide solutions.

So I did a bit of thinking, and have a set of ideas for re-engineering vCenter to overcome perceived faults.

At any rate, here we go...

Solution 1: SSO as a "blackbox" appliance.

Single sign-on has probably received the worst press of all the new vCenter bits in vSphere 5.1. By divesting this particular piece of all its Windows- and SQL-compatible nature and being distributed as an appliance, the vCenter team could also focus on adding features that allow the single appliance to be scaled (or at least made highly-available as an intrinsic feature).
Problems solved:

  • Native code. By standardizing on a single appliance OS, the development team could shelve the low-performing Java code—who's only redeeming value is the ready portability to run on both Windows and Linux platforms—and write using native code and eschew the interpreted languages. This should have the added bonus of being far more "tunable" for memory utilization, resulting in a svelte little appliance instead of a multi-gigabyte monster.
  • Integral clustering & load balancing. By adding integrated clustering and shared virtual server technology, the addition of a second appliance immediately eliminates SSO as a single point of failure in the vCenter suite. While the current implementation has a degree of support for adding high availability to this most-crucial of services, the lack of official support for many clustering or high-availability technologies for dependencies (eg, database access, client load balancing) is embarrassing.
  • Distributed database. By discarding the use of ODBC-connected databases and falling back on an open-source distributed database (with high levels of data integrity), the appliance can rely on internal database replication & redundancy rather than depending on some other system(s). Single appliances for small implementations are no longer dependent on external systems; multi-node clusters become interwoven, allowing scale-out without any other dependencies, yet behave transparently to systems that rely upon it.

Solution 2: If you're going "blackbox" with SSO, why not vCenter Server, too?

Yes, the vCenter Server Appliance (or VCSA) exists, but in its current iteration, it's limited compared to the Windows Application. Worse, because of a presumed desire to share as much code between the application and the appliance, a large portion—would it be fair to say essentially all of it?—of the server is written in Java. I don't know about you, but while that might serve the goal of making portable code, it certainly isn't what I'd want to use for a performance piece. So the same thing goes here as with SSO:
  • Native code.
  • Integral clustering (say goodbye to vCenter Heartbeat as an independent product)
  • Distributed database (Say goodbye to those MS or Oracle licenses!)

Solution 3: Integrated appliance

If you're going to have SSO and vCenter with the same sort of "black box" packaging, why not combine everything (SSO, Inventory, vCenter, Client, etc.) into a single appliance? We have a degree of that with the VCSA, but without the additional "packaging" as suggested above as well as needing feature-parity with the Windows app. Update Manager should be included, and View Composer could be just another 'click to enable' service that's activated with a license key: when configuring the VCSA, the admin should have the ability to enable arbitrary services, and if the same service is configured on multiple instances of the VCSA, the admin should have the option of enabling that service to run as a member of a cluster instead of having an independent configuration.
Stop with the individual appliances for every little management function: include all of them as a service in every build of VCSA!

No Silver Bullet

These suggestions are neither the "silver bullet" for the current perceived failings in vCenter, and I'm sure my peers can come up with dozens of reasons why these ideas won't work—not to mention the difficulty in actually producing them in code.
If nothing else, however, I hope is sparks thought in others. Maybe some discussion into how things can be improved, rather than simple complaints of "would'a, could'a, should'a" can come from it.


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