Easy, as long as you get the SQL users moved and change the hostname string in two places.
The easy part is getting the users moved. There's a handy Microsoft KB article for transferring logins from one server to another. I've never had a problem with that.
The harder part is getting the SSO "bits" to accept a new hostname. Thankfully, Gabrie van Zanten was able to document this, along with some other pieces related to SSO database management.
So here's your steps:
- Execute the sp_help_revlogin stored procedure on the existing SQL server to get the RSA_USER and RSA_DBA logons.
- Merge the create user lines with the script from the vCenter SSO Install source. This makes certain you have all the necessary attributes for these users.
- Shut down the SSO service.
- Backup the current RSA database.
- Restore the backup on the new server.
- Execute the user creation lines from Step 2.
- In a command shell, go to the SSO Server's utils folder (in a default install, the path is C:\Program Files\VMware\Infrastructure\SSOServer\utils) and use the rsautil script to modify the database location:
rsautil configure-riat -a configure-db --database-host hostname - Verify your changes by inspecting .\SSOServer\webapps\ims\WEB-INF\classes\jndi.properties
- Update the db.host field in the .\SSOServer\webapps\lookupservice\WEB-INF\classes\config.properties file.
- Restart the SSO service.